How much credit should a translator get?
I mentioned in my blog the other day that we had faced the dilemma of trying to price a translation project for a work that may be published. Although we are still working on that issue, my research...
View ArticleSEO: By language or by country?
Dear Colleagues- This article was sent to me by a friend and I found it to be very simple and helpful. It was written by Christian Arno and I am passing it along because it is such great information!!...
View ArticleHow to Judge the Quality of a Translation
When you send a document out to be translated, how can you tell that the document you get back is a good one? This question is probably not asked too much among those of us who work in translations day...
View ArticleAn Interpreting Tale- How we all affect each other
While attending the small business matchmaker event in Dayton OH today, I got into a conversation with the representative of a large Ohio healthcare organization. After telling the woman what my...
View ArticleDeliberately changing the text of a translation
While poking around online last night, I found, as I often do, an article that lead to another article, that lead to another article. The first was a website regarding Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” Here...
View ArticleShould Your Online Strategy Utilize “Free” Translation Tools?
The article below was sent to me by a client whose website we had just translated. He was curious to know what we thought about this “strategy” of using free online tools rather than a professional...
View ArticleHow do translation professionals handle the customer who questions their...
A situation came up this past week that I would like to share and get some feedback on, especially because I saw the situation one way and the main translator on the project saw it another. The...
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